I Wish

What do you wish your massage therapist knew?

I had a new client come in Wednesday afternoon and when I mentioned that I will not be talking to her during the session because of my hearing loss, she sighed deeply and whispered “
Oh, thank you, I’m so glad!”
Then she caught herself and tried to apologize thinking she may have offended me by sounding like she was glad I couldn’t hear well.

I laughed and assured her that it was perfectly okay and that I heard it all the time.

Clients have told me over and over about finding a therapist that did great work but that talked the entire time.

“ I wish the therapist would be quiet during session so I can rest and relax instead of having to listen and respond.”

“I wish the therapist wouldn’t tell me about her problems- i am getting a massage to get my mind off MY problems.”

“ I wish the therapist would let me sleep- I’m mentally and physically exhausted”

I wish that I could explain to people that I understand and I hold to the thought that the person on my table is not my captive audience but rather someone that’s chosen to come to me for bodywork which is also spiritual and emotional and mental work.

I’ll talk before and afterwards when I can read lips well but during the session time, my hands will feel, my heart will listen and my prayers will be whispered in my head to God for giving me the opportunity to touch someone so fearfully and wonderfully made. — at Rockwall Body and Soul Massage.

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